7 Cybersecurity Habits You Need to Break in 2024 (And What to Do Instead)
In 2024, the digital realm is both thrilling and perilous. Ignoring updates, using weak passwords, and oversharing online invite disaster. Adapt your cyber habits now or risk becoming a victim.
Stay Safe Online with These Simple Browsing Tips!
The internet can be a treacherous place full of threats to your security and privacy. But practicing safe browsing habits keeps the cybercriminals at bay.
Update Your Software or Hackers Will Update It For You!
Neglecting software updates puts you at serious risk of cyber attacks. But staying on top of patching provides critical protection from data-hungry hackers.
Don’t Let “Love” Leave You Broke and Heartbroken!
Romance scams prey on the vulnerable looking for real connections online. But with the right precautions, you can avoid being manipulated out of your hard-earned money.